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O'Donnell (Sir Hugh-1567)

Coat of Arms

Niall of the Nine Hostages, forefather of the Ui Neill (a whole series of septs tracing their ancestry to him), was making raids on Britain and France towards the end of the fourth century when the Romans were returning home. From Conall Gulban, a son of Niall, descend the O'Donnells of Tirconnell (meaning Conall's territory). They take their name from Domhnaill (meaning world mighty) an ancient a.....

Heraldry Database: Becker


Surname:  Becker
Branch:  Becker
Origins:  German
More Info:  Germany

Background:  From becker, the same as backer, a baker. It may be from becher, a cup or goblet, from bechern, to tipple; "der Becher" (German), drinker, a tippler; the same in Dutch. And another background: From the German "becker," meaning baker, or one who bakes bread. 2) One who created wooden vessels such as cups, mugs, and pitchers, derived from Middle High German "becher," meaning cup or goblet, from Greek "bikos," meaning pot or pitcher.

Motto:  Bis vivit qui bene, He lives twice who lives well.

View the Heraldry Dictionary for help.

We are unable to locate the history for this surname. If you can provide us with this information, then please contact Arms & Badges!

Name Variations:  Becker, Becks, Beck, Becker, Baker, Becher, Becquer, Becher, Beccher, Beckker, Bekker.

One or more of the following publications has been referenced for this article.
The General Armory; Sir Bernard Burke - 1842.
A Handbook of Mottoes; C.N. Elvin - 1860.


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